Allergies are a big topic these days in the dental community with so many people being sensitive to things like gluten, nuts, and latex. Our customer service team often receives phone calls from lab technicians and dentists asking about allergies related to our pumice. We are happy to declare that all pumice produced by Garreco Dental is 100% natural raw mineral and does not contain any known allergens including, but not limited to, any and all gluten and/or nut products or byproducts. Furthermore, we certify that there are no parts of this product that originate from human or animal sources. We also certify that no part of the process involves the introduction of solvents or any other known allergen.
Garreco Pumice is available in the following particle sizes: flour, fine, medium, coarse, x-coarse, and xx-coarse. For more information about Garreco Pumice, please contact us at 800-334-1443 ext. 234.
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